

Christian Thought Week 11

Young physicist teacher in time management concept

“…the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure for every matter, though a man’s misery weighs heavily upon him” (Ecclesiastes 8:5-6). When Esther got word that her people, the Jews, were about to be destroyed, she obviously wanted the king to spare their lives and hers as well! But she didn’t go directly to him and pour her heart out. Instead, she prepared a banquet for him!
At the banquet, when he asked her what she wanted, she said she wanted him to come to another banquet the following night…then she would tell him what was on her mind. What kind of tactic was this? She was making her respect and affection for him a known priority. This way he would never feel pressured or “used.” He would be assured that concern and consideration for him always came first with her – even before her own life or the lives of her people.
So before you approach your boss or any person, ask yourself, “Is this the best time for him? What’s his schedule?” Consider his needs. Pray for guidance and direction. Listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Regards, Evans Mose,
P.o Box 1109 – 00518, Nairobi Kenya