

Christian Thought Week 003

“Be still, and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10a. The Christian life is one of doing. It is full of commands and responsibilities. Those commands are stated through such action verbs as go, study, work, etc. Among our commands to “action” is another one that we don’t usually associate with action– “be still”.There come times when we are to refrain from “doing” and be still and see what the Lord will do. There are times when He will tell us to be still and wait. David was told to wait before he went into battle until he heard the rustling sound in the mulberry trees. Sometimes we want to jump into the battle but instead we need to wait and be still until we have sought the Lord and heard His instructions. 
You may be facing a battle this today and the urge to run from it is almost overwhelming. If that is you– don’t run, just “be still”. Stand still, don’t retreat.

Regards,Evans Mose,P.o Box 1109 – 00518,Nairobi Kenya.