

Christian Thought Week 002

“And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.” Matthew 10:42. Don’t wait for “big” ways in which to show God’s love. Jesus often used things that were small by man’s estimation. 

He used a little boy’s small lunch that consisted of a couple of small fish and a few small loaves of bread. He compared the kingdom of God to a pearl, a coin, a mustard seed- which He Himself said was the smallest of seeds. He took note of the widow’s one little mite that she put in the offering above all the riches that the others were giving. 
Do not miss the opportunity to do good and glorify God because you decide that some act you are about or wanted to do is too small or insignificant to bother with. 

Regards,Evans Mose,P.o Box 1109 – 00518,Nairobi Kenya.